Template Systemic SWOT Analysis by Kai Neumann

This is just a very small model to get an idea on how to model an enterprise in order to develop a systemic SWOT analysis. In a concrete case the 4 KNOW-WHY-Questions should help you to collect a lot of concrete hard (money, technology, ....) and soft (motivation, skills, relationships, ....) factors. You can continue to reflect on concrete measures to address your strengths and weaknesses.  With quantitative attribute you can monitor the current state of the factors. The position in the Insight Matrix s...

GDP growth with shrinking population by Kai Neumann

This model was developed as a reaction to a science meeting where the participants univocally doubted the potential for GDP growth in Germany with the prospect of a shrinking population. While I might criticize the concept of a GDP and see a lot of reasons for a shrinking economy I doubt that a shrinking population inevitably has to lead to a shrinking GDP. But see my arguments in the model and tell us what you would change or even better make the changes directly in the model via the collaborative link.

Quantitative Model on Economics by Kai Neumann

Quantitative model on economical developmentsThis quantitative model compares the average income and wealth of the people that earn above the average or those who lend money with those below average or those who borrow money. It includes interest rates initial inequality savings quota money creation (the possibility of banks to lend more than they hold) productivityThe model allows to understand the basic developments and to try scenarios on degrowth, by trying a negative productivity re-coupling of fina...