SWOT Analysis of Municipal Administration (start of a general model) 2 by Emma

This is a reduced and generalized version of a SWOT model I have built for a municipal administration. Unfortunately I didn't find an example on know-why.net but I have used a lot of factors from other models. This model is just a start as I am not allowed to show our actual model. Maybe we can develop collaboratively a model? The presenter already shows how with the use of the factor's attributes we can develop a systemic SWOT analysis. The position of the factor in the insight matrix shows the most imp...

Waterkant Festival 2017: collaborative workshop model by Kai Neumann

This small model should just help to facilitate a workshop at the WaterkantFestival 2017 in Kiel, Germany. The topic is to show how a new enterprise can become successful with an innovation. This model looks exactly at the enterprise. Another model will look at the generation of an innovative product (applying the so called Idealized System Design). And a third, quantitative model will show how counterintiutive dynamics behind a start up can be (the diffussion model that shows how to burn investor's mone...

Ö1 - Ressource Boden - Zusammenhänge by herbert.saurugg@a1.net

Auswertung der Ö1 Sendung zur Ressource Boden (4) vom 19.03.15 http://oe1.orf.at/programm/399758 Im Boden ist doppelt so viel Kohlenstoff gespeichert wie in der gesamten Erdatmosphäre. Strategien, wie man zusätzlich Kohlenstoff in den Boden einbringen und dort auch halten kann gewinnen in Anbetracht der Klimaveränderung durchaus an Bedeutung.  Durch falsche Bodennutzung kann freilich Vieles auch zerstört werden.