CSP-Radar (Corporate Social Responsibility) EN by prank@z*

CSP Radar The model presented here is part of the research project "Corporate Social Performance Indicators - Approaches to Measuring and Managing Risks and Opportunities through Corporate Social Responsibility". The model was developed by zeb.business school: http://www.zeb-bs.de/ The project is funded by the Funk Foundation under grant number RM-FS3-2020-01. The Funk Foundation supports a variety of scientific and practice-oriented projects in the field of risk management. An overview can be found on t...

Sustainable Mobility by Kai Neumann

This rough model answers the question how interrelated the challenge for more sustainable mobility is. Extremely interesting is the role electric vehicles can play in this transformation. The color coding: green for measures, yellow for goals, red for problems, orange for other effects. Implicit in this model at several connections is that according to the KNOW-WHY-Thinking* of Kai Neumann every human seeks for the feeling of integration and development. That is why we will always want individual mobilit...


Als Dalai Lama gefragt wurde, was ihn am meisten an der Menschheit verwundert, antwortete er:  "Der Mensch. Er opfert seine Gesundheit, um Geld zu verdienen. Wenn er es hat, opfert er sein Geld, um seine Gesundheit zurückzuerlangen. Und er ist so auf die Zukunft fixiert, dass er die Gegenwart nicht genießt. Das Ergebnis ist, dass er weder die Gegenwart, noch die Zukunft lebt. Er lebt so; als ob er nie sterben würde und schließlich stirbt er, ohne jemals richtig gelebt zu haben." When Dalai Lama was asked...