PiM: Process of building a new garden house (Likelihood of Developments) 7 by Kai Neumann

The aim of this little model is to explore the project modeling possibilities of the PROCESS-iMODELER (it is called PROCESS-iMODELER though it is just a feature of the quantitative iMODELER). The project at hand is the building of a small garden house. The model probably isn't complete in its details as it just should show the functionality. This version of the garden house model shows how to model likelihoods of incidents e.g. of a person becoming ill or the occurrence of a quality problem.

PiM: Building a new garden house (Learning Curve and Working Hours) 2 by Kai Neumann

The aim of this little model is to explore the project modeling possibilities of the PROCESS-iMODELER (it is called PROCESS-iMODELER though it is just a feature of the quantitative iMODELER). The project at hand is the building of a small garden house. The model probably isn't complete in its details as it just should show the functionality. Here it is the modeling of a learning curve and the definition of working hours for resources.

CSP-Radar (Corporate Social Responsibility) by prank@z*

CSP Radar Das hier vorgestellte Modell ist Teil des Forschungsprojekts "Corporate Social Performance Indicators - Ansätze zuer Messung und Steuerung von Risiken und Chancen durch Corporate Social Responsibility". Das Modell wurde von der zeb.business school entwickelt: http://www.zeb-bs.de/ Das Projekt ist durch die Funk Stiftung unter der Fördernummer RM-FS3-2020-01 gefördert. Die Funk Stiftung fördert eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher und praxisbezogener Projekte im Themenbereich des Risikomanagements. ...