Climate policies in Germany by Kai Neumann

the green party in Germany has become quite popular with its concrete action (not enough I would say, but nevermind). now the opposition but also the coalition partners have started a populist's war of wrong memes to diminish the success. this model shows the factual problems: - to call for e-fuels is a classic shifting the burden ( - to call for market forces is good, yet there is the psychological obstacle that people want no change and that they d...

Right wing extremism - rise and fall by Kai Neumann

Fareed Zakaria argues that right wing terrorism is related to something else but lack of income. He refers to this study that states it is the correlation between migration and increase of right wing violence:  With this model I started to wonder whether this is plausible to me. I'd say the underlying cause could still be lack of perspective but also the feeling of an attack of one's values as well as the feeling of lack of education. What do you thi...

IAM-Projekt: Modell zu den Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns by Kai Neumann

Ein qualitatives Ursache-Wirkungsmodell von Kai Neumann zur Erläuterung der Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns hergeleitet durch die KNOW-WHY-Denkweise [Kai Neumann in E:CO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: "KNOW WHY Thinking as a new approach to systems thinking"] und die sich daraus ergebenden Schlüsse auf ein Wandel hin zu nachhaltigerem Verhalten. Motivation: Als widerlegt und doch noch extrem verbreitet als Grundlage vieler Modelle der Ökonomie aber auch der Politik gilt der rein rational entscheidende homo oec...

TTIP - for the people or a few industries by Kai Neumann

Actually, it is fairly simple: Politics should serve the benefit of the people of this and the future generation which includes the generation of jobs. If an agreement was just for the benefit without the primacy of certain industry's interests the highest standards would be chosen - nothing one would have to negotiate in secrecy. However, if each side wants to maximize the benefit of an agreement on their jobs they seek to keep the obstacles high for the products from other countries and low for their o...

KNOW WHY: The explanation for human motivation by Kai Neumann

An English text is provided with the interactive ebook on Apple iBooks Store and with "KNOW-WHY: Systems thinking and modeling ...." available on (  Ein qualitatives Ursache-Wirkungsmodell von Kai Neumann zur Erläuterung der Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns hergeleitet durch die KNOW-WHY-Denkweise [Kai Neumann in E:CO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: "KNOW WHY Thinking as a new approach to systems th...

Media, please stop reporting on (Berlin) terror and blaming the authorities by Kai Neumann

Schiller is said to have said that a comedy is working because unconsciously ordinary people are relieved to feel that other people are more stupid. Studies proofed that the most wanted parts of a newspaper are catastrophes and the horoscope. Catastrophes, because we unconsciously are relieved that this didn’t happen to us. Unfortunately, this is the reason why car accidents and terror attacks in our cities with comparable few casualties are way more relevant to us than the many more casualties there are...