Development of a well-functioning Technology Cluster by Franc Grimm

Which region is not interested in a well-functioning technology cluster - with many innovative companies developing new innovations together with the scientific facilities on site, thus creating many highly skilled jobs and ensuring a high prosperity in the region? In order to achieve this, so-called thematic clusters and networks have been established in many regions - supported by public funding for common R&D-projects (Research & Development) and network projects, for the development of centers of exc...

Migration debate in Germany ... and elsewhere by Kai Neumann

Migration has just started and it will become much worse. It is a symptom, a consequence of our exploitation of the world - which sounds idealistic but actually it is a fact that most economists easily agree to. We definitely can't take them all and the better they are are integrated the more will come. There is no silver-bullet to it but some measures (green factors) that we probably have to take all. What is interesting (see the Menu .... Presenter) is that long-term the help for migrants abroad has al...

Matching data example - calibrating a model by Kai Neumann

While listening to a presentation on the ISDC2023 where they showed a sophisticated way of calibrating parameters of a model to real data I decided to offer a simple solution using the iMODELER's iM-Optimizer. The idea is to minimize the deviation of the model results from the real data using a range() for all variable parameters. Simple as that though of course it also has some limitations.

Demografie - Altersstrukturanalyse (Grob-Modell) by Franc Grimm

Das Modell dient der Durchführung einer Altersstruktur-Analyse zur Unterstützung der langfristigen Personalbedarfsplanung.  Das Modell ist lediglich ein Grob-Modell für eine schnelle Analyse. Das detaillierte Modell finden Sie hier: Über das detaillierte Modell kann der IST-Zustand ermittelt und eine Projektion in die Zukunft vorgenommen werden, um  - Problemschwerpunkte zu identifizieren (z.B. Fachkräftemängel), - Chancen der Mitarbeiterstruktur zu ...

Entwicklung eines regionalen Technologie-Clusters by Franc Grimm

Welche Region wünscht sich kein funktionierendes Technologie-Cluster - mit vielen innovativen Unternehmen, die gemeinsam mit den wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen vor Ort neue, zukunftsweisende Innovationen entwickeln und somit viele hochqualifizierte Arbeitsplätze und somit einen hohen Wohlstand in der Region schaffen und sichern? Um dies zu erreichen, entstanden in vielen Regionen sogenannte themenbezogene Cluster und Netzwerke - flankiert durch Fördermittel für Kooperations- und Netzwerkprojekte, für d...