(Restaurant) Marketing durch gehirn-gerechte Aktionen und Events by Lita Haagen

„(Restaurant) Marketing durch gehirn-gerechte Aktionen und Events“  Das Model beschreibt, wie Sie Marketing Aktionen / Events planen, die Ihre Botschaft gehirngerecht in die Köpfe und Herzen Ihrer Zielgruppe bringen und dort nachhaltig verankern. Betrachtet werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Sinneseindrücken, grundlegenden Instinkten, Emotionen, Erinnerung, Erfahrung, Aktivierung und Belohnung. Die Betrachtung ist quantitativ nicht gewichtet, da es sich um grundsätzliche Zusammenhänge handelt. Ihre Events...

Agile methods by Kai Neumann

just a small model to think of the benefits and trade-offs. of agile methods

PiM example for change of units within a process by Kai Neumann

The challenge behind this model was to collect units in a box and to take them from the boxes again. There are probably other ways to model this but this was my first idea. 

Refugees from different regions - a collaborative model by Kai Neumann

The aim of this model is to have a closer look at the root causes for the flow of refugees from specific countries and regions. Please add your arguments.

The news: is the world getting better or worse by Kai Neumann

The Model asks: do we need so many negative news if actually the world is better off? As explained in the presenter (Menu... Presenter) the model argues that it takes both, positive and negative news.  Interestingly there are some figures that suggest that the world is better off. What we do not know, though, is whether we could have been living in a way better world and if the world would have been as it is without negative news. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/12/good-news-in-2015...

Quantitative Model on Economics with degrowth by Kai Neumann

Quantitative model on economical developmentsThis quantitative model compares the average income and wealth of the people that earn above the average or those who lend money with those below average or those who borrow money. It includes interest rates initial inequality savings quota money creation (the possibility of banks to lend more than they hold) productivityThe model allows to understand the basic developments and to try scenarios on degrowth, by trying a negative productivity re-coupling of fina...

Mache es gleich beim ersten mal RICHTIG by d3dhemmer

"Wehret den Anfängen" (ein Beispiel für strukturierte Diagramme) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_geflügelter_Worte/W#Wehre_den_Anf.C3.A4ngen.21 "do it right the first time" 20% mehr am Beginn, sparen 500% zum Ende. "Das ewige Provisorium" in der Technik bedeutet auch Verbesserung. Das Paretoprinzip, die 80 zu 20 Regel gilt nur statistisch! http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paretoprinzip Export in PDF.https://www.imodeler.info/presenter/export?fn=BOCLkeApd6F2QCozVvPpENg&dir=20150207

Quantitative Model on Economics by Kai Neumann

Quantitative model on economical developmentsThis quantitative model compares the average income and wealth of the people that earn above the average or those who lend money with those below average or those who borrow money. It includes interest rates initial inequality savings quota money creation (the possibility of banks to lend more than they hold) productivityThe model allows to understand the basic developments and to try scenarios on degrowth, by trying a negative productivity re-coupling of fina...