I am right - you are wrong, and I am not emotional by Susanne

This model is a reaction on one of the many fruitless discussions on social media where people resist the most rational and logical arguments in order to keep their mental model and also to feel good by thinking they are better than others. Psychology knows (at least) three mechanisms to protect one's feeling of integration (see Kai Neumann's model on this: https://www.know-why.net/model/Atxrf7zQLpoe5JP2Uvumyjw): cognitive dissonance (my final choice is good, everything else was bad) psychological reacta...

New York Times on Genetically Modified Crops by Emma

With this model I am trying to win a Fairphone ...... Seriously, I am trying to translate the major arguments from an article by the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/business/gmo-promise-falls-short.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nyt...

Collaborative, qualitative model: A good life by Kai Neumann

This model might lead to a new kind of politics. More to come. In between you may simply play a bit with the model and try the new feature of a collaborative modeling link directly beneath the model on know-why.net. Don't be shy....

Climate change: taking personal action by Kai Neumann

A qualitative model asking for our personal motivation to lower our impact on climate change. Feel free to add to it.

Mastering complex challenges by Franc Grimm

This model shows why everyone should model in daily practice. Please, find more information in our YouTube video "iMODELER: Benefits of Qualitative Modeling (Systems Thinking)": https://youtu.be/zBU7k1rFkaw

Illegal mining and water quality and availability (collaborative) by Kai Neumann

This is a qualitative model from an iMODELER workshop for a group of scientists from different fields from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Feel free to continue the modeling via this collaborative link. Here is the read-only link to the original model: http://www.imodeler.info/ro?key=CIcLFmS12YTHp4U7SkgXR9w  What is the question the model should answer: What can be done in order to mitigate the effects from illigal mining (surface mining) on the quality of water from rivers? What are the system’s bo...