PiM example: Growing of crops by Kai Neumann

Just a small quantitative model for a workshop to show the features of the PROCESS iMODELER (PiM) factors with the example of a farming process. Please post any further questions :-)

The rise of resistance against climate policies by Kai Neumann

Whether it is Germany's "Heizungsgesetz" or the European Union's "Renaturation Law" there is a certain pattern how resistance evolves. Recently I was on workation sailing the Baltic Sea observing lots of signs of movements against the implementation of protected natural habitats in the Baltic Sea. The fishing 'industry', the tourism, and the water sports enthusiasts all seem united in their protest against the protection of the Baltic Sea. Fact is, that the Baltic Sea is in an extremely poor condition ca...

Mini model international competitiveness eco technology by Kai Neumann

Just a small model on the competitiveness of eco technology and the effect of regulations that demand more eco friendly technologies.  Feel free to use the model to provide a more differentiated model.

Financing of our development of an innovative electric car by Kai Neumann

just the start of a small model that I need for part 5 of the paper series "A culture of reflection"