Integrated Assessment Modell (IAM) Nachhaltigkeit für das Umweltbundesamt (3) by Kai Neumann

Umweltbundesamt Projekt von Consideo zusammen mit Prof. Heinrichs von der Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg: Integrated Assessment Model ((IAM) Ziel des explorativen, qualitativen Ursache-Wirkungsmodells ist ein besseres Verständnis der Herausforderung Deutschlands zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit zu kommen und dabei insbesondere auch die Kluft zwischen Wissen und Handeln bei den einzelnen Akteuren zu begreifen. Die Wirkungsbeziehungen in diesem Modell ergeben sich aus der Befragung von Experten und Stakeholdern sowie...

Auswirkungen des Mindestlohns by Kai Neumann

Dieses kleine Modell berücksichtigt die neuesten Meldungen zum Thema veröffentlicht von der eher konservativen Wirtschaftswoche: 

Ethical management (FIFA, Volkswagen, Food Industry, Banks, etc.) by Kai Neumann

A collaborative qualitative model that goes into more detail on the question how we as a society can get companies with more ethical behavior. A factor that pops up in the Volkswagen model by Emma:  but also when we think about FIFA or all the lobbyist's work from the oil industry (there is the BP memo from the eighties that described the strategy to prevent the information of the public on the likelihood of a climate change) or the nutrition ind...

Erdogan's radicalization of Turkey by Kai Neumann

This a start of a collaborative model to get a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the latest developments in Turkey. Please join the modeling by clicking the collaborative link and make use of the discussion on as well.

functioning democracy - with the US in mind by Kai Neumann

I have developed this model to understand the 2020 election in the US. It offers me many insights but probably I need to explain more of it. Until I find time for that maybe a discussion starts ....

Germany's potential for a new role in the world by Kai Neumann

Just the start of a model to answer to a post on linkedin: Germany has of course not the size to determine world politics, but it is big enough to serve as a role model that could foster change around the world. My concern, however, is that neither Angela Merkel nor Martin Schulz are of a visionary type to change towards a role model. Once, we follow the trend of higher military spending, and if we continue to ignore the proposa...

Power2Gas by Greenpeace Energy by Kai Neumann

I was interested to change to a power to gas subscription from greenpeace energy in which they offer to invest into power to gas (wind and solar energy is electrolytically transformed into methane that can be transported with the existing fossile gas network) yet to be built. I disliked that right now there is only a minor proportion of power to gas included in their regular fossil gas supply and that there are too few investors. I argued that they should offer a high priced but consequent product which ...