world democracy by Kai Neumann

Whether it is FIFA or the UN or just the USA: the challenge is to get the voting for wise decisions Originally I thought it would be the same model for all three cases, but now I think  - FIFA sustains its system of corruption as those who profit from it directly vote for it (not the nations or organizations but its representatives) - the current UN or world security council suffers from the blockades mainly from China and Russia who do not want the UN to interfere in other countries. A World Council tha...

Quantitative Model Personal Financial Situation by Kai Neumann

Just a small quantitative model taken from a very large model. It shows a way to model the financial situation of persons or groups of persons with spendings and income as given parameters and savings (and pensions) and credits as a result.

+ACUMEN Systems Practice course: Culture of reflection group by Kai Neumann

I am taking part in the interesting online course:  This is our team's model (work in progress). Feel free to join the team. Guiding Star: A society that aims at improving society and oneself. (Taken from Star Trek) Near Star: Establish a culture of systemic reflection where people do not think that they know the answer already (based on gut feeling, sovereignty of interpretation, or similar) but instead get used to systemically explore the interconnections....

Wind industry's growth and over-investment archetype by Kai Neumann

just a small model to understand why the stocks from wind energy providers are loosing value ... despite the increase in installations. Peter Senge described the "Growth and underinvestment" archetype - this model rather features the "Growth and over-investment" archetype.