Template Systemic SWOT Analysis by Kai Neumann

This is just a very small model to get an idea on how to model an enterprise in order to develop a systemic SWOT analysis. In a concrete case the 4 KNOW-WHY-Questions should help you to collect a lot of concrete hard (money, technology, ....) and soft (motivation, skills, relationships, ....) factors. You can continue to reflect on concrete measures to address your strengths and weaknesses.  With quantitative attribute you can monitor the current state of the factors. The position in the Insight Matrix s...

Elon Musk and Sigmar Gabriel on the future of Electric Mobility by Kai Neumann

A few weeks ago Elon Musk presented his mission to an audience and the German economy minister Sigmar Gabriel. Well, the moderation of that event was, let us say: not optimal, but the arguments Elon Musk presented were stunning. This model tries to capture them challenging the reply of Minister Gabriel. Here is a video of that event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6B6AP86Zt8 

The price of sustainability by Kai Neumann

Being tired of the complaints that renewable energy is expensive, that we cannot afford the conservation of natural habitats, that not all people can purchase organic products, that our industry looses jobs, our citizens cannot bear the burden of the costs of sustainable solutions, and so forth I started this model. As it turned out it is not as easy as I thought. My original assumption was that any additional expenses should - with a high domestic value creation compared to the import of fossil fuels - ...

Collaborative Commons (J. Rifkin), Sharing Economy, Internet 4.0 (IoT) by Kai Neumann

This is the start of a collaborative model on the question whether the internet of things and the sharing economy will reshape the way we live, whether it will prevail, create or cost jobs, increase or decrease our living standards and whether it will have a positive effect on our environment. A major factor will be our net happiness. According to KNOW-WHY-Thinking we need to feel integration and development. It is way easier to feel good by buying something new (developement) and than having something (...

National health care system by Kai Neumann

just a quick collection of the major arguments maybe one should explicitly distinguish between private and national insurances and between the stakes of healthier and those less healthy persons though the major implications are already included. please post your comments

Government spending - systemic sink or source by Kai Neumann

This little qualitative model just helps my argumentation in a discussion on a perspective from Gene Bellinger's Kumu project. Yet it is probably interesting for others as well as it features the major arguments from democrats and republicans, from libertarians and communitarians, from the liberals and social democrats .... and so forth