Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map Example by Kai Neumann

This model was developed with the help from the model "Comprehensive Enterprise Model" by Kai from KNOW-WHY.NET: Please open it with iMODELER and expand the clustered factors to see all the details (or have a look at the collection of slides in the Menu...Presenter, first)

Limits of democracy, populism, and the evil from social networks by Kai Neumann

This model is inspired by Emma's proposal for a topic for a model (to win a FAIRPHONE): It tries to understand the dynamics currently happening all over the world that push nationalism via social media. It is a qualitative model. There are other models arguing in the similar direction, e.g. this one on Putin, Erdogan etc.: ...or this one on the psychological mechanisms that lead to those defe...

Zukünftiger Europäischer Strommarkt by Philipp Lindner

Ich habe das Modell als zusätzlichen Teil meiner Thesis erstellt. Dargestellt sind Elemente des europäischen Strommarktes (Aktuell noch sehr zielführend aufgebaut: "Gesamtnutzen"). Es sollen mögliche Auswirkungen eines zukünftigen Marktes gezeigt werden. 

Being successful through a new culture of reflexion by Kai Neumann

A small qualitative model not just to show the importance of the iMODELER's main features. It also shows how to change one's organization's culture to a culture of regular reflexion of interconnections against a number of psychological obstacles. For more background information I recommend from Apple's iTunes Store the interactive ibook "KNOW WHY and the iMODELER" with many models and exercises. Note: a few factors have a quantitative formula. This is fake. I put them there to create the quantitative scr...

SWOT Analysis of Municipal Administration (start of a general model) 2 by Emma

This is a reduced and generalized version of a SWOT model I have built for a municipal administration. Unfortunately I didn't find an example on but I have used a lot of factors from other models. This model is just a start as I am not allowed to show our actual model. Maybe we can develop collaboratively a model? The presenter already shows how with the use of the factor's attributes we can develop a systemic SWOT analysis. The position of the factor in the insight matrix shows the most imp...

Erfolg im Studium by

Das kleine, qualitative Modell soll aufzeigen, wie ein erfolgreiches Studium gelingen kann. Einfluss haben hierauf die Hochschule (grüne Faktoren), die Studierenden (orange Faktoren) und teils gibt es auch externe Gründe (blaue Faktoren). Die Erkenntnismatrix führt, trotz der Einfachheit des Modells, zu interessanten Erkenntnissen, die klassische Diskussionen in Hochschulgremien bereichern können. Zu beachten ist dabei der Unterschied zwischen kurzfristigen Optimierungen und einer langfristigen Erfolgsst...

Aufgabe: Steigerung der Attraktivität einer Region by Franc Grimm

Dieses Modell ist Teil einer Aufgabenstellung unseres Online-Kurses "Qualitative Modellierung". Weitere Informationen zu unseren Kursen sind verfügbar unter: 

System Archetypes Tragedy of the Commons by Franc Grimm

In the model "system achetypes" ( we have explained different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we have used simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994).  Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These p...