A solution for Ghana's and probably other country's future von Kai Neumann

Just returned from a science/business trip from Ghana - this time also visiting some 'hinterland' as well as tourist attractions. Great people (I mean that) and potentially a great country as well. They have the beaches, the forests even near the beaches, they speak English, they have great local food, and at least in the south it was despite dry season extremely green.  But for the first time in my life I wasn't willing to jump into the ocean - too much garbage in it. I wasn't jogging - too much polluti...

Energiewende (differenziert) von Kai Neumann

Spitzenlasten und kurzes Anfahren der Kraftwerke Zentralisierung Lobby und Geld (vs. Verstaatlichung) Kannibalisieren sich alle untereinander? Features (große Häuser, fette Autos) neue Funde Komfort Weiterentwicklungsgefühl

Germany‘s Jamaica Coalition a historic chance von Kai Neumann

As disappointed I as I was about the lates election‘s results I nevertheless see a historic opportunity for real political progress. A lot major steps are prevented (for sometimes a very good reason) by the power sharing between national Bundestag and federal Bundesrat with a reigning CDU that is by definition conservative trying to change as little as possible. Now there is little alternative to bargaining a change other than they could decide to change nothing but to get ministries or than to repeat th...

Diesel Gate and Psychology von Susanne

just the start of a collection of arguments from a psychologist who drives an electric vehicle Let us start a discussion and add to the model ....

Amelie's CO2 Modell 2 (zum Gewinnen eines Fairphones) von Kai Neumann

während einer Gartenparty stellten ein paar Kinder zwischen 7 und 10 Jahren Fragen zu unserem Sampada Ofen, dem Veganersein, usw. Am Abend rückte ich dann mein Tablet raus und wir haben gemodelt. Amelie hat die Fragen gestellt und alle durften mal Faktoren anlegen. Die Kinder konnten hernach die meisten Zusammenhänge wiedergeben (möglicherweise zum Leidwesen einzelner Elternteile) PS: das Fairphone ginge dann an Amelie

Hybrid cars are a smart move - for the classic automotive industry von Kai Neumann

as the following article annoys me I modeled this model https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-16684-9 

Benefits of a carbon tax (CO2 emissions taxation) von Kai Neumann

Just a small qualitative model examining the benefits from a carbon tax. The weighting and the arguments are rather conservative. Yet, I think it is an extremely powerful way to transition towards more intelligent solutions using simple market forces instead of unpopular regulation.

Reflexion on thorium reactors von Kai Neumann

this is just a first scetch of a cause and effect model ... if you look at the matrix of the factor thorium reactor you will recognize that this model is dominated by balancing feedback loops (...) you may contact me (kai@ilsa.de) to get a copy of the model or even to collaboratively model it with me and others in any way: many insights and happy modeling Kai