SP Erdgas ersetzen by Professor Fleischer

Gasbedarf wird aus Erdgas gedeckt. In Zukunft soll dieser Bedarf zunehmend bis zu 100% durch Biogas ersetzt werden. Biogas kann zuerst aus biogenen Abfällen und dann, wenn diese nicht ausreichen, aus sogenannten Energiepflanzen (z.B. Mais) erzeugt werden. Berücksichtigt werden sind auch die jeweiligen Umweltbelastungen, insbesondere der Beitrag zur Klimaveränderung durch CO2

growing together of a the INTERREG-region by k.gradman@h*

This model was developed with the help from the model "Growing together of the interreg-region (template for project days at schools)" by Franc Grimm from KNOW-WHY.NET.

GDP growth with shrinking population by Kai Neumann

This model was developed as a reaction to a science meeting where the participants univocally doubted the potential for GDP growth in Germany with the prospect of a shrinking population. While I might criticize the concept of a GDP and see a lot of reasons for a shrinking economy I doubt that a shrinking population inevitably has to lead to a shrinking GDP. But see my arguments in the model and tell us what you would change or even better make the changes directly in the model via the collaborative link.

Are investments into green energy macroeconomically costs? by Kai Neumann

This qualitative model and its description in the presenter shows an interconnected view of the advantages and disadvanteges of today's investments into green energy.

df 264 There is no such thing … (original) by Dirk Fabricius

… like a free lunch (TV, fb, twitter …) (s. zu Herkunft und Urheber des Satzes Wikipedia) Da Lunch Zutaten, Koch wie Kellner braucht, von dem kaum etwas von den Bäumen fällt, liegt die Wahrheit dieses Satzes auf der Hand und lässt sich verallgemeinern. Fraglich kann mithin nur sein, wer zahlt. Die FreeLunchBar (FLB) macht ihr spezielles Angebot nicht, weil sie einen Teil des Profits an ihre Kunden verschenken möchte. Im Gegenteil, sie sucht einen Weg, die Auslastung der Tische, der Köchin und der Kellner...

Solution: Energy by Kai Neumann

what do we need energy for? ... an unfinished model for inspiration for modeling with children.

Solution: small energy model 2 by Kai Neumann

Just a small model as a preparation to model with children the question how watching TV and energy consumption are connected. I recommend to start with the two factors watching TV and happiness and then continue to ask what it does mean with regard of energy ... and finally how this is connected with happiness. Probably the children will come up with a completely and yet very interesting model :-)

Climate policies in Germany by Kai Neumann

the green party in Germany has become quite popular with its concrete action (not enough I would say, but nevermind). now the opposition but also the coalition partners have started a populist's war of wrong memes to diminish the success. this model shows the factual problems: - to call for e-fuels is a classic shifting the burden (https://www.know-why.net/model/C1kJRE4Z6_4plDyg7AWl8iw) - to call for market forces is good, yet there is the psychological obstacle that people want no change and that they d...

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) Extended by Kai Neumann

Qualitative cause and effect model on the SDGs This is a model that we (...) use for a paper yet to be published. Please copy (on know-why.net you find the link to insert it into your account) it into your free account of iMODELER in order to enhance it and weight the connections to fit a concrete region or nation. You may also consider two concrete countries, e.g. a developed country and a developing country. Background:The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in their generalized form need to be further ...

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) ExampleGhana by Kai Neumann

https://www.know-why.net/model/CaLIsTKbVf7Yg5bm8yRXGyg discussed there and with an accompanying paper here: http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/discussionpapers/2017-82 (discussion paper) and peer reviewed here: Kai Neumann, Carl Anderson, and Manfred Denich (2018). Participatory, explorative, qualitative modeling: application of the iMODELER software to assess trade-offs among the SDGs. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-25): 1–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.5018/economics...