What does Trump becoming president of the USA now mean to the world? by Kai Neumann

just trying to grasp the situation - please join the modeling! While I started trying to show the high risks of catastrophe I now see also opportunities. See some first insights in the presenter (Menu ... Presenter) By the way: I predicted the development of the US elections, unfortunately : https://www.know-why.net/model/C-5GDe-XN0rMggChUtMLm8Q 

Post Corona - how the world is possibly changing by Kai Neumann

This is our third model on the corona crisis (COVID-19). It explores the possible post corona world. Together with the other two models it is featured in our corresponding paper: https://www.consideo.com/papers-33.html  (available in German as well) The first model was our simulation model that somehow seems to be the most advanced model on the development of infections with dynamic parameters: https://www.know-why.net/model/CHFWUVddNJsog2quA15x0PQ  According to this there won't be enough intensive care ...

Sustainability Model (Excerpt from the IAM model) by Kai Neumann

English version of the model from the book ( http://www.amazon.com/KNOW-WHY-Systems-Thinking-Modeling/dp/384821430X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=135797... ) and the basis for an UBA (federal environmental agency Germany) project model: https://www.know-why.net/model/AT8roK0_fQCHRRrtwhp_1-w  It is a mere qualitative model with a high level of abstraction and aggregation. It includes: - sustainable and conventional consumption - sustainable and conventional economy - consumer's behavior (according to KNOW WHY Th...

Energieprojekt Schule by Professor Fleischer

Nachfolgend wird exemplarisch ein von Schülern der 9. Klasse der Oberschule in Fehrbellin entwickeltes Modell im Rahmen eines Schulprojektes aus Neuruppin (unterstützt durch die Stadtwerke Neuruppin) dargestellt. Die Schüler haben allein durch ihre Kenntnisse, ihr Wissen und ihre Fantasie - ohne Lehrkraft - nur durch die jeweiligen Fragestellungen des Moderators dieses Modell entwickelt. Diese Vorgehensweise zum Denken in Zusammenhängen/Vernetztes Denken war ein Ziel des Projektes.  Das inhaltliche Ziel ...

Afghanistan Stability / COIN Dynamics by pierreweidemann@w*

Here you have a model showing a snapshot of U.S. military's plan for "Afghanistan Stability / COIN Dynamics" Source  - http://sdwise.com/2013/07/hey-new-york-times-a-causal-loop-diagram-is-not-a-powerpoint-fail/#/ -http://www.usma.edu/cnrcd/siteassets/sitepages/cultural%20training%20information/afghanistan_dynamic...

Impact chains of climate change by Kai Neumann

Just a small qualitative model to scope the economical implications of climate change. Feel free to use it (you may import it into your account).

Tesla's Powerwalls seen in context by Kai Neumann

Just a small qualitative model for a discussion on linkedin on the economics of Tesla's Powerwalls. Here is the original article the discussion is based on: http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2015/05/01/why-teslas-powerwall-is-just-another-toy-fo... 

The Ukrainian political and economic context by Kai Neumann

It has to do with removing Putin and defining a new Russia, but also with the possibility of a China that risks its isolation from the west and at the same time trying to reign the rest of the world through its strategic global resource and development policies. It has to do with a de-globalization, less efficient though more regional and resilient economies, loss of material wealth but gain of quality of life, social equality, and unfortunately a possible trade-off of arms races and climate change mitig...

Mini World by Kai Neumann

altes Modell aus dem UBA-Modell-Ordner (als .cons importiert) - keine Erinnerung, wofür das gedacht war - es ist aber gut