Climate Change - a comprehensive and collaborative model on the arguments by Kai Neumann

This model was developed with the help from the model "Globale Erderwärmung" by MaggerTheGreat from KNOW-WHY.NET.

Corona virus (COVID-19) - a system dynamics simulation model using not just the bass diffusion by Kai Neumann

Link to corresponding paper: (English) (German) Summary - it really is severe The model shows how crucial the availability of a cure and vaccine has become. The death toll is directly related to the intensive care capacities that are totally unrealistic to keep up with any slow down of infections. The flu has a toll of 0.1 percent, Covid-19 allegedly a toll of 1.1 percent though some areas like Italy already show a rise close to ...

Sustainability Model (Excerpt from the IAM model) by Kai Neumann

English version of the model from the book ( ) and the basis for an UBA (federal environmental agency Germany) project model:  It is a mere qualitative model with a high level of abstraction and aggregation. It includes: - sustainable and conventional consumption - sustainable and conventional economy - consumer's behavior (according to KNOW WHY Th...

Comprehensive Enterprise Model by Kai Neumann

This is just a fictious case of an enterprise to show how it can be comprehensively modeled. Not only the weightings should differ from case to case but also more concrete factors should be added, e.g the concrete competitors, the features of the products and their impact onto the customer's feeling of integration and development, the potential market expansion etc.. For a possible quantification and a BSC it should be checked whether all measures and decisions impact measurable factors. Also a lot soft ...

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) by Kai Neumann

Source: This model is just a start. The next step would be to include the targets from the source above. Feel free to insert the model to your (free) iMODELER account to start a more detailed model !!! After that we should continue to use the 4 Know Why Questions in order to exploratively add hard and soft factors that help to explain what could serve as an effective lever to improve the situation in the world. Finally the model could be used to distinguis...

Quantitative Model on Universal Basic Income (Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen) by Kai Neumann

Just the start of a collaborative quantitative model on universal basic income. Please join the modeling and discussion!There is also a qualitative model on this topic:  First scenarios: The economy is booming, yet inequality is rising. This model is still a rough model with just with groups an average low, medium and high income for Germany. The side effects of an universal basic income with some people deciding to work less and others to come up wi...

Circular Economies - General Model by Kai Neumann

This qualitative cause and effect model is just a generalized model on the circular economy of manufactured products. For concrete projects and strategies it needs continued explorative reflexion and an adopted weighting of connections.

IAM-Projekt: Modell zu den Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns by Kai Neumann

Ein qualitatives Ursache-Wirkungsmodell von Kai Neumann zur Erläuterung der Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns hergeleitet durch die KNOW-WHY-Denkweise [Kai Neumann in E:CO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: "KNOW WHY Thinking as a new approach to systems thinking"] und die sich daraus ergebenden Schlüsse auf ein Wandel hin zu nachhaltigerem Verhalten. Motivation: Als widerlegt und doch noch extrem verbreitet als Grundlage vieler Modelle der Ökonomie aber auch der Politik gilt der rein rational entscheidende homo oec...

Qualitative model on COVID-19 (Corona virus) strategies by Kai Neumann

Target Collecting and exploring different arguments and ideas around the so called Corona crisis in a qualitative cause and effect model that after weighting the interconnections allows for analyses through Insight Matrices and loop analysis. Time horizon Short term: 1 month Medium term: 3 months Long term: beyond 1 year More....For more please look at the presenter, explore the model via iMODELER as a freeware or have a look at the corresponding paper: (available ...