Project Portfolio Management by Franc Grimm

This model demonstrates an innovative and effective way for a permanent planning, prioritization, control and monitoring of all projects within an organization - based on Systems Thinking.

Growing together of the interreg-region (template for project days at schools) by Franc Grimm

short-term: < 1 year medium-term: 1-3 years lang-term: > 3 years

Ethical management (FIFA, Volkswagen, Food Industry, Banks, etc.) by Kai Neumann

A collaborative qualitative model that goes into more detail on the question how we as a society can get companies with more ethical behavior. A factor that pops up in the Volkswagen model by Emma:  but also when we think about FIFA or all the lobbyist's work from the oil industry (there is the BP memo from the eighties that described the strategy to prevent the information of the public on the likelihood of a climate change) or the nutrition ind...

Agile methods by Kai Neumann

just a small model to think of the benefits and trade-offs. of agile methods

Competitive Incentives: Working Harder or Working Smarter? Improvement Management by Michael Nesser

Actually, it should only be a small excercise - to test the imodeler. But the results of the model are really worth to be posted here. The model is based on the findings of the following research, I've only added a few points:  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating And Sustaining Process Improvement (Nelson P. Repenning, John D. Sterman). The findings are not really new, but still valid and relevant.

The case of Mr. E (case management example) by Susanne

This is an anonymous case management example from my work with a client using the iMODELER