Post Corona - how the world is possibly changing

Kai Neumann

Model from perspective of factor Welfare and happiness in rich countries e.g. Germany


Just 60 factors yet it already shows the complexity (>2000 feedback loops) of the possible developments of the world after or with Corona. Though it was clear that we want to look at the world post Corona we didn't start with the factor Corona, but with the overall target of welfare and happiness in Germany. From that factor we built the model of today's situation that is then altered by the influences from the Corona crisis. In light green the are our current options for action.

Model from perspective of factor Welfare and happiness in rich countries e.g. Germany


This is how the model started.

Model from perspective of factor Happiness


Just another detail from the model.

Model from perspective of factor Economy / Demand from abroad


This perspective is somehow crucial since it shows the Demand for investments from the economy abroad that is crucial for our very own economy.


Short term the Corona crisis is a catastrophe.


Long term it could serve as a benefit (without accounting for the possible short term damages, just telling that it could trigger something that has a long term benefit)