Limits of democracy, populism, and the evil from social networks

Kai Neumann

Model from perspective of factor People opt/vote/seek for simple solutions


My first focus was on the dynamics of the social media use considering the latest revelations on how certain opinions and false information is systematically pushed through social media. The reinforcing feedback loops are marked red. Some of the psychological mechanisms are explained in a model by Susanne:

Model from perspective of factor People opt/vote/seek for simple solutions


There are more than 50 feedback loops many of which describe the consequences from populists from the right that ironically cause the reasons why more and more people tend to vote for them.


The Insight Matrix of the first draft of the model confirms that the sum of effects from social media is dominant ...


... and increasing long term.

Model from perspective of factor People opt/vote/seek for simple solutions


So, knowing the vicious cycles is one thing. What can be done? So far I have inserted four potential measures (or placeholders for more concrete measures), coloured green.


The bar chart view of the Insight Matrix shows that you and I can do something: relentlessly showing the interconnections. Problem, though, is that we have to find ways to emotionally convince people and that we therefore have to be authentic in what we are saying. Less fossiles, less meat, more organic products, less praise of gadgets, engagement to integrate refugees .... etc..