Take for example chocolate. Most chocolate products still cause child slavery (they are deported from their countries, stolen from their parents, to work in other countries) in Africa. Few people know. So, now you know. If you change, others won't appreciate. They'll argue that you cannot change the world, that there are worse things in the world, and that it is impossible for them to resist their beloved brand for chocolate. Nevertheless, you should continue to change, to choose fair chocolate, to not use your car for short distances, to not buy unsustainable and unfair clothes, etc.. Media will report, others will join, business will develop alternatives, and after a while you will not just experience the feeling of development by changing your behaviour but also the feeling of integration as others join and push each other as we now push each other to have larger TVs, faster cars, more shoes, etc.. According to KNOW-WHY-Thinking the same biopsychological urge to feel development and integration that today lets us behave unsustainable and threaten our and our children's future can be used to save our children's future.
Change, right now, it is the biggest mid and long term lever to feel better, though short term the counterforce by others might drag you down. You have to develop a certain discipline to wait for the appreciation from others. Or you plan to change together with others so you can push each other early on.
Tell others, that is the biggest lever to change them, next to the upcoming alternatives.