This model features the latest (early 2015) political topics of the EU. It helps to understand the interconnections behind the monetary policy, the oil price, etc. and faces on material wealth. It doesn't include other - possibly more important - dimensions of well being.
Currently the models contains 55 factors, 141 connections, and 1210 feedback loops. Its main purpose is to feed KNOW-WHY.NET and to give inspiration and input to anybody who is modeling the same or related topics.
Feel free to discuss the model on KNOW-WHY.NET, provide your alternative views, or drop me (Kai) a message (
Note: the background color can be changed via Menu ... Preferences.
You can opt (the fourth button in the menu bar) to see just 1, 2, 3 or all levels of connections to get handier views of the model. Here you see how the model was started. It makes a difference between rich and poor countries within the EU (without naming them) and between the rich (those who have no net debts) and the poor (those of have net debts) people within the countries).
When you click on a factor you can change the perspective from which you view the model by clicking on the button to the right of the factor. Here you see the perspective of 'wealth of poorer people in poorer countries' showing just one level of connections.
It is interesting to note that the latest announcement of the ECB to buy state bonds by creating additional money (not refinanced by the member state banks) is a new way of money creation that eases the pressure on state budgets and prevents more wealth to the very rich private banking institutions that so far made a lot of money when they were allowed to lend more money than they hold and thus get interests out of nothing that especially countries and their taxpayers had to pay for.
However, there are also side effects, that the model shows.
Climate change and wars and terror are also included in the model in a reduced form. Look for more detailed models I have uploaded to KNOW-WHY.NET from another context.
Sanctions of Russia and the OPEC strategy are also included with the model.
Other models of mine show more detail on this: I have also included the aspects of inequality as the root cause for wars and terror.
Again insights from other models show the importance of energy efficiency. Many call the transition to green energy with all its investments including that into efficiency costs but for simple logical reasons they are investments the prevent costs in the long run and provide jobs immediately.
Here are some of many possible insight matrices. It compares (just look at the horizontal position) the yellow factors that represent targets within the model. Jobs seem to be crucial followed by the value of private pensions, profits from financial markets (they are part of the private pensions) and competitive products. Negative are the prices for oil and gas as well as for products.
Here you see a comparison of the green measure factors. Investments and the increase of productivity seem to be most effective while the ECB measure appears to be negative. When you go to "Show Connections! from the Menu and look at the connections between 'ECB buys ....' and the 'material wealth in the EU' you see that the reason for a negative impact mainly is the taxpayer's costs of this measure (if it is sterilized) and the depletion of values of private pensions as the interests go down.