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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):

present thumbnailKai Neumann (#1) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.


English version of the model from the book ( ) and the basis for an UBA (federal environmental agency Germany) project model: 

It is a mere qualitative model with a high level of abstraction and aggregation.

It includes:

- sustainable and conventional consumption
- sustainable and conventional economy
- consumer's behavior (according to KNOW WHY Thinking their need to feel integration and development)
- education and the transparency of interconnections
- support from media
- competing nations
- competing economies
- demographical change
- technological development
- resource scarcity
- environmental hazards and insurance costs
- countries that profit from rise of resource prices
- financial industry with creative financial products
- political cooperation

green - measures
yellow - targets
red - problems
orange - consequences, side effects
white - demographics
violett - overall targets

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Kai Neumann

Kai Neumann

Some support from psychology - though not as smart as know-why-thinking:
The role of instrumental, hedonic and symbolic attributes in the intention to adopt electric vehicles
Geertje Schuitema, Jillian Anable a, Stephen Skippon, Neale Kinnear in Transportation Research Part A 48 (2013) 39–49


Going Green to Be Seen:
Status, Reputation, and Conspicuous Conservation
Vladas Griskevicius University of Minnesota
Joshua M. Tybur University of New Mexico
Bram Van den Bergh Rotterdam School of Management
in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010, Vol. 98, No. 3, 392–404

Kai Neumann

Kai Neumann features an ongoing project by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung that also describes the negative effects from inequality and the savings from the rich people that do not fuel the economy and its jobs.
Kai Neumann

Kai Neumann

Nice video (in German, though) that shows the costs of pollution for the health system:

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