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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):

present thumbnailEmma (#7) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.


This is a reduced and generalized version of a SWOT model I have built for a municipal administration. Unfortunately I didn't find an example on but I have used a lot of factors from other models.
This model is just a start as I am not allowed to show our actual model. Maybe we can develop collaboratively a model?
The presenter already shows how with the use of the factor's attributes we can develop a systemic SWOT analysis. The position of the factor in the insight matrix shows the most important factors, their attribute our current situation and hence the most important steps we have to take. Of course, we can distinguish between activities/measures and targets through colors (e.g. with categories).
I have chosen the attribute "situation" to describe both the current state of a target as well as that of an activity.

This model was developed with the help from the model "Comprehensive Enterprise Model" by Kai from  KNOW-WHY.NET.


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