Joint Report - case study 1: Impact of GMT on resource scarcity
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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):
Ulli Lorenz (#10) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.
“Possible impacts of global megatrends on resources scarcity (general concept from the perspective of northern Europe)”
This model is the basis for the case study 1 of the report: "Impact assessment of global megatrends - Two case studies connecting global megatrends to regional topics"by UllrIch Lorenz and Hördr V. Haraldsson
The case study 1 examines the general mechanism of resource scarcity. The global megatrends – as described in the State of environment report 2010 – are included in the model as well as some measures from the EU Roadmap on Resource Efficiency. By taking this approach the model is able to answer the following main questions:
What exactly are the mechanisms of resource use and scarcity, respectively?
->See Section 2.2 of the report
Which of the GMTs most greatly promotes (or hinders) the problem of resource scarcity (and how)?
-> See Section 2.3 of the report
Which of the principal approaches of the EU roadmap possibly has the greatest potential to reduce the challenge of resource scarcity?
-> See Section 2.4 of the report
The study can be downloaded here:
Happy reading through the model.
Ulli Lorenz
PS.: SOER is currently available in a new version:
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