Drama theory by Lrmatos@gwu.edu (#20) Comments (0) The content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER): Open with iMODELER Import model Tweet Description 1820 views A could play X1B Request A does not play X1B supports X1B is indifferent to X1A threatens he will do Ta if X1 is no acceptedA mantains PositionA has Persuation (Threat mood) dilemma with BA shows willingness to negotiateB doubts A has the will to carry his ThreatA has a Trust dilemmaB doubts A has the capacity to carry his ThreatA has a Rejection dilemma (Mood Threat) with CC Requests A does not play X1A has Persuation Dilemma with CC doubts A has the capacity to carry TaC could play Z1Critical issueB could play Y1A request B does not play Y1B could plays Y1A could play X2B keeps PositionB has Persuation dilemma with AB evaluates the impact X1 has in his EndowmentB consider whether he is in a position of gain or lossB will have a status dilemmaB will have a risk dilemmaB is in a position of gainB is in a position of lossLikehood of A playing X1 and winning is medium highA consideréis if he is in a position of gain or lossB will be risk averseB will be risk seekerProb of gaining is medium and betterB will underweight risk close to 1B will overweight risk close to ceroA will have a status dilemmaA will have a risk dilemmaA will underweight risk close to 1A will overweight risk close to ceroA is in a position of gainA is in a position of lossA will be risk averseA will be risk seekerNeeds a solutionB Threatens to do Tb if A does X1A has to show he can carry his Threat