Germany‘s Jamaica Coalition a historic chance
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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):
As disappointed I as I was about the lates election‘s results I nevertheless see a historic opportunity for real political progress. A lot major steps are prevented (for sometimes a very good reason) by the power sharing between national Bundestag and federal Bundesrat with a reigning CDU that is by definition conservative trying to change as little as possible. Now there is little alternative to bargaining a change other than they could decide to change nothing but to get ministries or than to repeat the election or even ask the SPD to continue to reign with the CDU tolerated by the rest. Once we have coalition and opposition they will block each other and the many needed steps are postponed.
As little as I want radical wishes from certain parties to become reality I see the opportunity for radical wishes of my favorite party to become law. Thus I speak of an opportunity knowing that compromises feel bad and in this case of course foster wrong politics as a side effect. Game theory‘s tit for tat game.
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