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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):

present thumbnailKai Neumann (#1) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.


It is a collaborative model - please edit it.

Sanctions alone end in a balancing feedback loop but with the right narrative over working chanels it could lead to a removal of Putin! Narrative should be something like “ Ukrainians are brothers and sisters, the world wants to partner with Russia - Putin exploits Russia for his mad interests.”

There is much more explanation to give to this model - I will add to it or you may edit it and place comments within the model using the "D".


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Kai Neumann

Kai Neumann

All the implications and upcoming developments require more systemic exploration. Join me:
Kai Neumann

Kai Neumann ... that would a require an additional model with a long term perspective on geopolitical and economical strategies.

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