TTIP - for the people or a few industries
Kai Neumann (#1) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.
Actually, it is fairly simple: Politics should serve the benefit of the people of this and the future generation which includes the generation of jobs. If an agreement was just for the benefit without the primacy of certain industry's interests the highest standards would be chosen - nothing one would have to negotiate in secrecy. However, if each side wants to maximize the benefit of an agreement on their jobs they seek to keep the obstacles high for the products from other countries and low for their own products in other countries. And that is why they make it a secret: some powerful industries push to lower their obstacles in exchange for the competitiveness of other industries and prior to the existing environmental and social standards. If it was just to lower unnecessary obstacles there would be no need for secrecy, either. So that is what is happening there: powerful industries try to maximize their benefit from the agreement without an objective consideration of the best outcome for both sides. The latter would be possible it the negotiations were made public.