Solution: driving cars
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Quick view of the model (open complete model with iMODELER):
Kai Neumann (#1) has provided a description of the model with the iMODELER Presenter.
A model explaining some of the obstacles of the transformation towards electric vehicles (EVs)
This model is part of a series of models that could serve as examples for small models on global challenges as they could be modeled by pupils. Of course, depending on their age and the time that is available as well as the help you offer they could come up with more details.
What is the model asking?
The model asks for the development of the uses of gasoline cars and electric vehicles (EVs) using the KNOW WHY Questions from the KNOW WHY Method as they show up when we use the iMODELER. When we continue to ask we should discover the balancing feedback loops of diminishing resources and the reinforcing feedback loops of the economies of scale and the research spurred by demand.As a very basic model it is possible to model this topic with six years old children provided you help them to understand the effects of prices and costs.
10 years to consider the development of improved batteries with short term referring to 1 year, mid term to 5 years and long term everything that takes longer than 50 years.Colors
green for measuresyellow for targets
red for problems
System Boundaries - what is not included?